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The way a employee behaves directly affects the customer experience. We have all had the Julie Roberts shopping experience. Employee engagement is critical in retaining talent and ensuring the b...
When you decide to change your brand it is sort of like  having a personal make-over.It requires throwing out all your clothes and starting again. It is requires a big clean out and it me...
To make the most of 2016 you really need to start planning now. I have created a planning template to get you started.  Over the summer break when you have some down time is the perfect tim...
New markets are created all the time, and smart business people can see the under current and capture a new market just because they are listening. Over the past few months many of us would have...
It is a simple answer. It is not the saying build and they will come, it is ask, and they will tell. The fastest way to grow your business is to build a customer centric product or service: that...
In this ever changing marketing landscape it is not surprising that most of us don't have the marketing tools we need. If we look at the marketing technology landscape put together by chiefm...
I have just completed my travels around Australia training over 50 SMEs on how to create a compelling value proposition. This work was based on the tool by Strategzer Value proposition design. I...
In marketing like other professions we have developed a wordy often confusing list of terms that to an outsider are like another language. So I have been hunting the web for the best glossary to...
The "How" in Marketing Really Matters What use to be invisible is now clearly viewable for the whole world to see. How we make clothes in appalling conditions, the ingredients of...
This week I was named a finalist for Flying Solo's Marketing Marverick Award in 2015. It was really nice to be recognised for what I do all day (just about every day) with small businesses. ...
As as small business the world of online marketing can be overwhelming, so when we see a shortcut it can be very attractive. Target Internet have done a brilliant wrap up and review of most of t...
Moving from product to customer focused It is a common place to find a business all wrapped up in its product or service. Sure most of you are aware that the customer is your bread and butte...
The marketing mix has become enormous with the new digital landscape. So how do small business owners decide what they need as part of their marketing tactics? My top must haves: 1. Webs...
Read or Listen, it can be a great way to up skill quickly. Nothing is more important than taking a break over the holiday season. I often find it hard to completely stop. You spend so much o...
Email Marketing - The right one for you Emai Marketing is an effective marketing tool no question, but selecting the right e-marketing software is big delimma for many small businesses. Here...

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