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It is now possible to be hyper targetted. The customer journey has changed. This video explains it so well. How we show up at the right time. to the right person, with the right message. &nb...
New Nielsen findings on digital content shows that You Tube's influence continues to grow. You Tube is 12 years old. I know hard to believe. Looking at the new social media landsca...
CEO of Wholefoods, John Mackey new book Capitalism's moral code, he questions that the purpose of business is just to make money. He states that we should be thinking about business different...
For sometime now I have been a big fan of the Strategyzer tools for creating a blueprint approach to a business plan on a page for clients. Putting on one page your busienss model using the Busi...
Planning your content is very important. What isn't planned isn't done. Here is a list of some great free editorial calendars   ...
How mature is your marketing? Are you a leader or a laggard when it comes to marketing sophisication. Smart Insights shows one way of quantifying how developed your marketing approach is. ...

This short skit from Utopia makes light of the process some businesses find themselves in with design.  You brand is not your logo but it can become a short cut to mean something to ...
A recent study found that the attention span of the average consumer has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to just 8 seconds today. Within 8 seconds we must now deliver the sort of...
A value proposition, is a statement that succinctly outlines how your business, product or service is different from that of your competition and the value it creates for your ideal customer. It id...
How are you listening? Being a customer centric company is critical to being relevant. Today the customer is in the driver seat and the biggest threat is becoming irrelevant. We all have the...
Recently I did a podcast with Las from Sitescore about Customer Maturity. Las has developed a great model around customer maturity but for a small business it might be a bit hard to get traction...
There comes a time when your old web doesn't cut it any more and you are looking to invest in a new website. Like every business your website needs to evolve but there are some critical th...
Marketing Videos There are some awesome video resources out there for a small business. I have collected a few that are worth knowing about. 1. David Koch website - Kochie's small ...
Customer case studies should be in your marketing kit bag. Your clients are looking for reasons to use you. They want to see that you do the sort of work with similar businesses. One of the ...

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