You now have 8 seconds
A recent study found that the attention span of the average consumer has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to just 8 seconds today.

Within 8 seconds we must now deliver the sort of relevance, value and engagement or loose the customer's attention.
Language. The first thing the customer sees. Are you using language that they understand that talks to their needs? If not there gone.
Channel. Are you using the channels of communication that your customers use? Remember customers are erractic and so you need a multichannel approach.
Relevancy. You need to capture data to personalise your communications. Full Stop.
Personaisation. Now it is all about personalising the journey your customer has with you. "spray and pray" is not effective marketing."
Experience. 89% began doing business with your competitor due to a poor experience.
Incentive. Give me a reason, a why to continue engaging with you - trial, offer, information.
Reputation. Who else that I care about thinks your great?
Knowledge. Show me you have the answers.
Tags:Content MarketingMarketing Strategy |
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