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Here are some of the top Digital Marketing Tools. To see more go here.   ...
I have been collecting the best marketing apps for sometime now. These are cheap and often free apps that let small business compete with the big guys! I have updated it for 2017. Enjoy! &nb...
Feedback from your customers is critical for small businesses. The more you understand your customers, the more successful you will be. Services we provide help you do this include: 1. ...
Here are some of the key marketing trends in 2018   1. Smart phone use More than 50% of searches are on mobile 91% of Facebook usage  (Daily Active users) is on mobile ...
Marketing plans, strategies and campaigns fail at an alarming rate. How can you reposition your failures to pinpoint the cause and redirect your marketing efforts? Every marketing plan shoul...
Blogging is so important for small businesses! So why do you need to blog? 1.Search engines like information. Google is always looking for new information as well as content which e...
Why are paid ads not working with B2B? More B2B marketers are shifting budget and priority to earned media as they struggle with declining response rates from traditional investm...
A whopping 93% of all online experiences begin with search engines. That's reason enough for companies to pay attention to their SEO. Search engines can be an excellent resource for driv...
Web traffic is something we all strive for. It means your business is being seen. However more important than the traffic is who is visiting and are they the ideal target customers.  Ho...
As 2018 fast approaches how many of you are planning for 2018? I imagine most are struggling just to make it through until Christmas. I understand totally. I have a few tips to assist you from...
Designing the customer journey In 2017 there has been a lot of buzz about customer experience. My prediction is that Customer Service Design or what I call Strategic Service Design will star...
Do you need to run heat mapping software on your site? Well why not I say. It gives you some invaluable feedback about what your potential customers are doing and why they may not be converting ...
In 2018 if you want to sell more and spend less there are a few things you need to have in place. 1. Ideal customer profile - If you focus on those ideal customers that you offer the great...
Management of reviews is becoming increasingly important. I have found some great tools that can assist in the management, reporting and sharing of reviews.   1. Grade.Us 2. Fre...
Currently I am reading a number of books on customer centricity and the latest is Outside In from the forester researchers Kerry Bodine and Harley Manning. Their research has outlined that we ar...

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